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Assistive Drumstick

Final Prototype 1.png

Music Therapy is for many groups, including those  with limited motor skills. Percussion is commonly used in Music Therapy, but holding a drumstick can be difficult

Drumstick Grip.png

The proper drumstick grip that gives the drummer the control needed to do maneuvers such as drum rolls is highly fine more skill dependent. This grip revolves around the ability to bounce the stick in your hand.

Benchmark 6.png

Assistive and adaptive grip devices currently available do not allow the user to perform many of the skills fundamental to drumming.

rapid prototye 1.png
Prototype 1.png

The design shifted from being arm strapped to being handheld. A spring below the hand controls the bounce of the drumstick. A flexible clamp allows for the use of mallets or wire brushes as well.

Final Prototype 2.png

An interview with a music therapist validated much of our concept. A key piece of feedback given was to make it compatible with readily available silicone hand straps sold as assistive devices.

In use.png

With only arm movement, a drummer will be able to use this device to bounce a drumstick and perform rolls.

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